Best DVD on a budget

I have an Onkyo 595 (and getting some new B&W speakers, I think) and want to complete it all with a nice DVD player. However, I have like 0 cash.

So, what are some good budget DVD players - I don't have a set price range - but think under $300 for sure.

Thanks so much!

Can pick from many. Just make sure it has a Dual Laser Drive. They are newer lasers that won't skip and freeze like many of the old players do on the newer mulit-layer DVDs.

Also get one with progressive scan if you can use it, and desire it.

Stay away from cheap brands like Samsung, Goldmark, etc, to reduce the chance of reliability problems. The well known Japanese players generally are better, like Onkyo, Panasonic, Sony, Pioneer, JVC.

I have a JVC X45S. An absolutely outstanding player for the money. I run the audio through a Soundstream DAC and it is *very* nice. I just ordered a small $15 isolation transformer from eBay to plug this DVD and improve performance. If you want progressive scan, the next model up has it. Here's a link to check out:,Players/JVC,XV-S45GD,/PRD_125616_1587crx.aspx
If you want to spend $300, I highly recommend buying a used Pioneer DV-05 on this site (an Elite model with an original retail of $1000 that sold for $700ish). They're great DVD players and pretty good CD players. If you prefer to spend less, you can buy one of their new basic models (I believe DV-343 or DV-444??) for $200 or less.
Panasonic DVD-RP56. It has the Faroudja chip and is $200 at Best Buy. Only shortfall is that it doesn't have a coax digital out, but an optical. Works fine if your processor or AV receiver accepts one.
I sold my $800 Denon DVD and got this and am well pleased.
Good luck.
The Sony DVP7700 is selling for $325-$350 on Audiogon. I
picked up one used for a HT system and am VERY impressed
with it. Very solidly made, unlike many of the others, and
it has received great reviews also.