Best DVD on a budget

I have an Onkyo 595 (and getting some new B&W speakers, I think) and want to complete it all with a nice DVD player. However, I have like 0 cash.

So, what are some good budget DVD players - I don't have a set price range - but think under $300 for sure.

Thanks so much!

If you can possibly pull it off Tweeter is selling new Toshiba 9200's for $499.00. That is avery good deal.
I have a JVC XV-D2000 DVD player that would probably be a used bargain if you can find one. This was an early DVD player and was made to sound good on CD's and DVD's. It has a K2 Interface which I think uses some of the same technology as JVC's XRCD's. IMO the sound is better than any of the players mentioned so far. This is a rare gem that some sound loving engineers slipped passed the marketing department at JVC.

I have found only one movie that this player will not play, and the company issued another version of this movie since it had playablility problems on several players. I paid about $600 for this player several years ago. I think the retail price was originally >$800.

If you can stretch your budget a little bit (say..... about $200.00), you can opt for the Philips Q50 (retails for $500.00). Delivers a very nicely detailed picture (almost filmlike....... like my Pioneer Elite DV-37), and a very nice sound as well. It has 12/54 video processing and a Faroudja chip, and a zoom feature as well (for looking at widescreen DVDs on a 4:3 display), all for $500.00. Could very well be the ideal budget DVD Player.

Or, if your budget can only go as far as $300.00??? Then, like Mryaj just said, look at the Panasonic RP-56 (for $200.00), or a Toshiba SD-2800 (also for $200.00. ..... and both of them are available at Best Buy).

Or more yet, if you are lucky, when I take possession of a new Marantz 8260 SACD Player, it will replace my Pioneer Elite DV-37 as the CD Player in my audio system, and then the Pioneer Elite DV-37 will return to my home theater setup, which means then that my Toshiba SD-2700 will be expendable. If and when that finally happens, I will be letting my Toshiba SD-2700 go for dirt cheap.

Just some more ideas to throw out to you.

And my $.02 as well.

Tim is right the Toshiba is a killer deal for $495. This was their top of the line machine and looks and performs like it. Works really well on S video. For componet video I got the Denon 2800 for $500 and is excellent even better than the Toshiba but not for s video output.