Kaleidoscope patterns on dvd?

My wife just bought a beautiful handmade kaleidoscope as a gift. We thought it would be cool if there was a dvd that had kaleidoscope images that we could watch while listening to music on our 2-ch audio system. No, we're not tripping out, but just want to relax and let our minds drift.

Anyone familiar with such a dvd? I already own a copy of "Mind's Eye", but was looking for something closer to kaleidoscope patterns rather than computer generated creatures.

Centurymantra: Thanks for your offer of the tape. I'm looking forward to viewing it.

Bufus: Sounds interesting. If I had duplicate copies of a cd, I could synch them and watch the lightshow from the Samsung while listening to the audio from my EMC-1. Expensive, but interesting. I might have to demo the Samsung and see how it performs. Thanks for the tip.
I was trying to think of how you could use the Samsung for the light show and still have high quality audio. I think you've figured it out. Make a CD-R to play in the Samsung while you listen to the real CD in your reference player!!