Budget amp advice

I have a pair of 2.5i NHT's, and a Belles Dmm preamp that I plan to run with a Cambridge audio d500se cd player, my old SAE 2400l amp finally has died and I am looking at placing a bid on a B&k st140 amp. Can anyone tell me if this is a good value for the money and if this will do a good job for me? I have heard good things about these amps , they seem to fit my limited budget.
I recommend the Odyssey Stratos at $995 for 150 watts/ch.
You get a marvelous build quality and sweet sound. For the money, they have absolutely no rival.
What is your price range? Are you willing to buy second hand? With a limited budget, secondhand purchases for amps are very attractive and depending on your price range there are a lot of attractive amps out there.
The B&K ST-140 is a good, classic design that has been around a long time. My personal recommendation, however, is to look at a Rotel, Adcom, or Parasound in your price range (either new or used). The other choice which you might want to explore is the Musical Fidelity line, which is sold through Audio Advisors.