for me, personally, i've come to realize that, in order to get sound i like from a solid-state preamp, it's outta my price-range. for me to get sound i like from a toobed amp it's outta my price-range. so, for me, my retail $4600 toob pre & my retail $6k s/s amps work yust fine. of course, if i bought 'em brand-gnu, i couldn't afford *them* either... :>)
re: wotin', i agree it's a yoke - in fact, i find it quite amusing that my prewious post got +2 for delivery, -2 for content. especially ironic, since the point of my post was that i tink it's rediculous to wote negative yust cuz ewe may disagree w/someone... glad some geek disagreed w/me, but liked the way i said it! ;~)
regards, doug s.