Warm sounding ss power amps

Can anyone suggest a ss stereo or monoblock power amp that
has a warmer sound?
I am open to ideas on how to warm up a "bright" sounding system.
Blue Circle audio products have excellent warmth. Try the BC22 ss amp. but be sure to mate it well. The BC21 pre amp is a great choice.
The bat vk200 is supposed to be more musical, never listed to the vk500. Like John said, may depend on power needs. I feel the 200 has plenty of power. good luck pete
BAT VK200 is very warm, musical, accurate, open, powerful. The presence of instruments and voices is very realistic. Space is very well presented in three dimensions.
Try the Aloia's. Lars fredell ranks them in equality to his Lamm gear. They drive the Dunlavy V's better than tubes I've used
And I'll second Snook2, I just bought a second one to bi-amp my Dunlavy IVa's. One is fabulous, two is amazing!!!
This is a great value.