Pre-amp outs

This might be a stupid question but...

Can you use pre-amp outs on a surround reciever on just the front channels and use the reciever to power the other channels?

I just want to make sure before i go make any major purchases based on that.
If you have pre-outs for all channels you can use them I you like. I think the outlaw audio receiver has pre-outs for all channels.

That is what I did with a Denon 3802 surround receiver (it has pre-outs for the front left and right speakers). I hooked up a Bryston 4B-ST stereo amp (RCA out of the Denon into the RCA in of the Bryston). Depending upon the gain of the amp, you might have to recalibrate the loudness of the speakers again (i.e. set the left/right speakers at 0 dB gain and using a calibration disc and SPL meter, adjust the gain of the receiver for each of the other speakers such that they all have the same volume level at the "sweet spot").

With the Denon AVR-4800 you can assign via the menu the L/R front amps to the rear (or side? I forgot) L/R channels and by using an external stereo amp connected to the L/R front pre outs thereby going from 5.1 to 7.1 HT. BTW there are pre outs for the other channels too.