Before you give up, you should try the AudioPrism Quiet line filters. They look like battery eliminators for a CD player, often referred to as a wall wart.
Many household appliances (and especially dimmer switches) dump loads of noise into your electrical system. Even when the problem is not as obvious as in your situation, this noise creeps into every component in your sound system and effects performance. I had a totally quiet system, and bought a set of Quiet Lines at CES just for the experience. After having them in my system for a week, I removed them, thinking I could do just as well without. That idea lasted just about to the end of the next piece of music, whereupon I replace them and they have remained ever since.
These filters are inexpensive, and can be moved from one AC outlet to another, to determine the best results. They come in a pack of 8 pieces at retail $300.00. You should be able to find a dealer that would let you try a set over one weekend to see if they fix your problem. If they do, this would be less expensive than reselling and shipping the amp that you are otherwise happy with.
Many household appliances (and especially dimmer switches) dump loads of noise into your electrical system. Even when the problem is not as obvious as in your situation, this noise creeps into every component in your sound system and effects performance. I had a totally quiet system, and bought a set of Quiet Lines at CES just for the experience. After having them in my system for a week, I removed them, thinking I could do just as well without. That idea lasted just about to the end of the next piece of music, whereupon I replace them and they have remained ever since.
These filters are inexpensive, and can be moved from one AC outlet to another, to determine the best results. They come in a pack of 8 pieces at retail $300.00. You should be able to find a dealer that would let you try a set over one weekend to see if they fix your problem. If they do, this would be less expensive than reselling and shipping the amp that you are otherwise happy with.