Is it worth upgrading DVD to progressive scan?

I just purchased an HDTV with the ability to play progressive scan (480p). I currently own a Yamaha regular DVD player. Is progressive scan really worth upgrading to or should I wait on HDDVD?

I use a Yamaha 920 with Faroudja DCDi technology. Oh my!
All the difference in the world! Best upgrade for $500.00
I have ever found
Depends on the quality of the doubler in your HDTV. Test your TV with a progressive scan DVD player, borrow one, and A/B through the component TV inputs to 480P input and your regular non-progressive component inputs. With my Sony the progressive scan is better but it's not spectacularly better. I remember switching back & forth on the DVD movie The Mummy. The flickering torches had a more 3 D flickering quality in non-progressive but the picure had a slight more film like look in progressive. But it was close.