Want a 5 channel amp that can drive 4 ohm loads

I am planning to go to surround sound (probably a 5.1 due to the size of the room) and will probably add Totem or Rega speakers for the rear and center channel. Both are 4 ohm speakers and my front mains, Royd Doublets, are 6 ohm speakers. Can anybody suggest a decent pre/pro system for around 2500 dollars that could drive these speakers.


Get a Sherbourn 5/1500A. It works great with low-impedance speakers and you'll have enough money left over for a really nice DVD player.

Get the Outlaw Audio 950 Pre-Pro and 755 amp. I believe the combo deal is $2100.00 + frt for the pair. 200 watts x 5 channels and 300 into 4 ohms. The stuff offers amazing value as it is only sold Internet Direct and will compete with anything out there under $5000.00. Wally
Most if not all of 5ch amps are solid-state devices and as such will drive 4 ohm loads without problems. The quality is another issue... on your budget you should find very good 5.1 components especially if you are willing to buy used/demo gear.
I like EAD and B&K stuff. EAD Ovation + B&K 5ch. will work great with your speakers.
If buying new maybe one of latest Pioneer Elite or Denon receivers may be an answer.
Get a used Krell KAV-500. It's in your price range, built like a tank, sounds great and loves 4ohm loads.