intro to tubes

Could some one give me any sites on introduction to tube audio. I'm looking to find answers concerning: What's so great about tubes? How long do tubes last? Are tubes expensive? Are tubes still manufactured(why do i hear so much about vintage tubes)? How are tube amps differet from solid state? What are the benefits? any help would be great. I just think they look cool. I know that newbies in the hobby get shafted on message boards, but please take the time to answer my questions.
I don't know a lot of details on how they work, I just like how they sound. The easiest and cheapest way to get into or hear what tubes do is to try a tubed pre-amp. The tubes only need to be replaced once a year on pre-amps, the tubes are in general cheaper and there is not as much upkeep involved. I am sure other folks will chime in on more details.
I love tubes. About three years ago I went from using Class A Threshold amplification (pre and power) to all tubes. I didn't regret it. The sound is what did it for me. With Martin Logans playing jazz and classical my Sonic Frontiers is excellant. I have not regretted my decision.

As far as maintenance tubes do need to be replaced, which may cost hundreds of dollars. After three years (and about 16 hours a week) I am getting ready to replace my amp tubes, but I think this is dependant on whether you leave your equipment on and how often you listen. I don't leave my equipment on when I am not listening.

Tubes have some drawbacks. Subjectively, the bass is not as well-defined as solid-state. Tubes run hot, so they can burn curious pets and children. They do need to be biased occasionally (a simple procedure). They do need to replaced.

I will probably never go back to solid state. I don't relish the idea of replacing tubes at a cost of ??? dollars, but for me the sound makes it worthwhile. Besides I knew that when I bought the equipment. Good luck!
Yamski, I am new to this site but not new to audio. I make it a point to help the newbies. In answer to your quest for sites to learn, I suggest the following:

This is an introduction to tubes:

This is a nice site for the tube enthusist:

Enjoy the reasurch!