Sub for Aerial 10Ts

Looking for a sub for the 10Ts room size is 25 by 18. Want something that will wow me. amp is sim audio titan. Would like to here from 10T owners. The sub would be mostly for home theater. Price is not an issue thanks Ht steve
Since you want the subs for HT I recommend the cylindrical subs from SVS. They play very loud and very cleanly. No boominess at all. And, they don't cost an arm and a leg. They aren't the subs I would recommend for integrating with Maggies, for example, but for HT they are the best bang for the buck I know of. I have had one for about 1.5 years and couldn't be happier. I only use it for movies. My Soliloquy 6.5s are full range like your 10Ts and I continue to use them full range during movies. I only route the LFE channel to the sub.

You've got to hear the SVS on U-571. The depth charges will shake your chair. In my previous house my listening room was 22'x26' with 14' cathedral ceilings. One 39CS, their middle size which is tuned to 20Hz, was enough to shake the floor in that room. I once tried to see if I could hear any break-up by using the Bass Mechanic CD and increasing the volume while playing 20 to 40Hz notes. I gave out before the sub did. I couldn't stand it, it was so loud. There was a brick fireplace in the room that was flanked by drywall. The sub was causing the brick to rub against the drywall making some pretty scary noises. I must have excited the resonant frequency of the chimney!

They have a 45-day money back guarantee, not including shipping, so you don't have much to lose by trying them. Their web site is I have no affiliation with SVS, I'm just a very satisfied customer. I can't get over the amount of performance you can get from them for $500. If you want more opinions on these subs go to and ask around. You'll find a bunch more SVS fanatics like I am.
Nighthawk, That sounds like a pretty good sub since I will only use it for HT and the price can not be beat. Hell at that price I could get 2 of them and still have enough to by the Bat cd player that Bemmer mentioned. which digital cable are you using Im using the Nordost silver shadow right now Thanks for all your replies it really helps
Htsteve, I'm just using a generic toslink cable. I know its hard to believe but I thought it sounded better than the coaxials I tried. Probably a quirk of the 5800.

You mentioned getting two subs..well if you want to take it to extremes you've got to beat a guy on HT forum (Frank something I believe) that has, get this.., 8 of them in his basement! Now there's a bass freak.

If price is no issue, the SW12 would be a natural choice. However, I chose a Velodyne FSR-15 subwoofer. It works well with the 10Ts. It is both very musical and has more than enough pezzaz for James Bond movies (in my 14' x 23' room). It also cost $1075, delivered to my door, which wouldn't have been enough to rent the SW12, let alone, buy it :-).
The Aerial sub is my personal favorite. Should be the perfect compliment to your 10Ts!