CJ ART vs. ML Ref 32 vs. Boulder 1012

I'm looking to upgrade my Line Stage and Phono Stage, as well as add a DAC to my system. I'm considering all three units listed, as well as others. Please note that single box front end vs. separate components is not an issue.

I also realize that all three are top shelf units above are different animals. Any insight or recommendations would be appreciated. Additional considerations: Rowland Coherence & Lamm Products

Current system:

Pass X1 Line Stage
Pass X600 Monos
B&W N802 (Probable upgrade to Avalon Eidolon or Wilson Max)
Electrocompaniet EMC-1
SME 10 Table
Ever heard the term " you can't loose " ? I have only heard the 32 in a demo so I can't really help. But I sure wish I had one of'em in my system so I could. At these price points I would take them home and decide for myself if possible. It's an awfull expensive mistake to decide later that you would rather have bought the OTHER 14k pre-amp. Good luck with the hunt though, sorry I can only cheer you on from the sidelines.
I think the boulder 1012 is your best bet,It supposed to have the best dac available regardless of price,plus you get a preamp.
Maybe cornfedboy can fill you in a bit, he should have his by now
Such a tuff choice?
If I were you, I would choose ART. You need a SE tube equipment in your audio chain to realize the aura of the recording.