Good amp for Genesis II System

I'm looking for a good amp for the mid-high panels for my Genesis II system. I had some bad luck with tubes in the past so I would like to get some advice for a good transistor amp. I heard some good stories about the Classe Omega. My Preamp is a Cello Suite.
Hi, Arjen. I just found your post and recalled that you e-mailed me for this question. I answered you but missed the point about the suitable amps for the GenII. I totally agree with the above opinion that Genesis speakers need tube amps and will not work particularly well with most solid state amps. Now I am using 4 monoblocks of BAT Vk 60s which sound a lot better than my previous Krell Audio Standard. I heard that the Halcro may be a good match in case you insist on SS amps. You've got to audition them and decide for yourself.
get a pair of Conrad Johnson premier eights. read comments by HP in absolute sound.

Can you provide some more guidance re: HP's comments in Absolute Sound? Issue? Etc.