Help w/ amp for ML Requests

Am buying pair of Requests. My current VTL Compact 160 Monoblocks probably can't drive them well. Please help with
good reasonable amp selection, tube or ss, $3-5K. Key word is reasonable.
Thanks for input. Has anyone used or heard Innersound's ESL amp supposedly designed for ESL speakers ?
Definately don't buy ANYTHING until you'ver auditioned the InnerSound.

It brought my reQuest "to life", ina natural, organic kind of way that is so far unsurpassed by all (6-8) amps i've tried.

Best of all is the more than reasonable price.
I am using a McIntosh MC352 for each speaker with MIT shotgun biwire. Works great for me.
If you consider the InnerSound, look at the Coda - both are designed and made by the Coda-Continuum Group and very similar in appearance and sound.