Help w/ amp for ML Requests

Am buying pair of Requests. My current VTL Compact 160 Monoblocks probably can't drive them well. Please help with
good reasonable amp selection, tube or ss, $3-5K. Key word is reasonable.
If you consider the InnerSound, look at the Coda - both are designed and made by the Coda-Continuum Group and very similar in appearance and sound.
Rgodin, you have your facts wrong. Although Coda does in fact manufacture the Innersound electronics, Roger Sanders of Innersound is the designer. The Coda uses different parts has a very different circuit design. The Innersound amp is designed with electrostats in mind, unlike the Coda.
Before you get rid of your VTL's try tubes on the stators and a solid state amp on the woofers. I have run CLS's in a full range mode with a variety of tube and ss amps. The power requirements of ML's are not as demanding as often described. The impendance dips (1.5ohms) on my CLS's occur at high frequency, which is no problem. I'm not sure of where the impedance minima is on your Requests, but if it is at high frequency it's not a big deal -- not the same as low impedance on sub-woofers for example. Impedance *swing* is the biggest challenge (at least with full range esl's). Tubes generally handle this better than ss amps. In my experience, ML's really open up with good tube amplification. Lastly, bi-amping should be a much more attractive economic proposition given the fact that you already have very good amps and can pick up an adequate ss amp for the bottom end at a reasonable price. Give your VTL's a try before assuming they don't have enough grunt. Good luck.