What SS amp has the fastest warm-up time


I am looking for a SS amp that sounds optimal within one hour of turn on from dead cold (not Stand-by). Please provide any suggestions. I like Levinsons but the stand-by idle of 200W power draw seems substantial. I might go to tubes because most sound good after only one hour. Thanks!
I don't understand. What is your objection to the stand-by idle of class A amps? I'd like to learn. At standby my Levinson draws 2.4kw/day, about $.40 where I live. Please explain.


Bill E.
I am as confused as Lakefront.This is like checking the gas mileage for a exotic sports car. If you don't care to spend 8 to 10 dollars a month for the electricity then you might want to think twice about dropping x to xx thousands of dollars on a amp.
Low bias amps or amps with a "special" power supply like the Sunfire's will sound the closest when going from "stone cold" to "fully warmed up". Since the Sunfire's and other similar amps are highly efficient, you would not really notice ANY increase in your electric bill if you were to leave them on all of the time. While the Sunfire might not suit your tastes, i simply selected it because it is a relatively beefy amp and is well known. Sean