Pass Aleph

Is it possible to "bridge" a Pass Aleph to MOno? How does one do it? What are the pros and cons, esp. related to impedence of the speaker? Discussion is welcome.....
Ag insider logo xs@2xivanj
Why not ask Nelson Pass? He's a source you can trust, and in my experience you always get an answer back from him in a week or less. I think the web site is
Here is the kind immediate rely from Pass Labs:
"While not bridging in the classic sense, what people sometimes do with the Aleph amps is to run the speaker outputs in parallel, thus delivering one channel worth of signal at a higher current level than can be obtained using the amp as a stereo unit.
Best regards,
Peter Perkins, North American sales, Pass Labs and Volksamp"

My question to savvy Audiogoners is: how do I effect a parallel output? What does the wiring diagram of the amplifier outputs to the speaker look like?
Here is the kind immediate rely from Pass Labs:
"While not bridging in the classic sense, what people sometimes do with the Aleph amps is to run the speaker outputs in parallel, thus delivering one channel worth of signal at a higher current level than can be obtained using the amp as a stereo unit.
Best regards,
Peter Perkins, North American sales, Pass Labs and Volksamp"

My question to savvy Audiogoners is: how do I effect a parallel output? What does the wiring diagram of the amplifier outputs to the speaker look like?