Looking for smooth SS pre amp

I would like the input of my fellow "Aragonites" concerning "smooth" pre amps. I'm looking for pre's that are clear but not grainy. My limit is $1,500-$2,000 and don't mind purchasing new or used.
Other than the MF A3cr if I was looking to buy smooth SS preamp, I would try the Marsh SS preamp, @$1000 Galen Carol
is good source for these, I have heard good things about it but have not tried one myself.
You have a number of choices in your price bracket, assuming you are looking for a preamp only (not a combo preamp and HT processor). One of the best values on the market is the Adcom GTP-750, which is listed as a "Class A"
component by Stereophile mag, yet has a MSRP of about $1250.
I also have experience with the Bryston BP-25, which has very clean, transparent sound that is grain-free (it also has a 20-year transferrable warranty). With due respect to Megasam, I'd be a little careful about the Marsh preamp. It got a fairly mediocre review in the latest issue of Hi-Fi Plus mag, although the companion Marsh A-400 power amp got very positive comments. Since you are willing to consider used gear, you might also want to search for a recent model Klyne preamp. Stan Klyne builds a superb preamp, and you may be able to find a used model within your budget.
Martice: After I made my first post, I had a couple of further thoughts about preamps. Given your max price of about $2000 (used), you might also be able to find either a Rowland preamp or an Ayre preamp. Both are outstanding units and will certainly meet your performance goals.
Besides the above, you might also want to add a used Pass Labs Aleph P to your list.