Question re: HT furniture/set up

As I understand it the center channel carries 60%+ of a movie's soundtrack. Its positioning is therefore critical and opinion is that it should be below/above the TV, about the same height as, and aligned with, the left and right speakers.

Which presents a problem to me as I try figuring out how to set up my HT gear. I'd like to support the following:

a) three components on LHS
b) three on RHS
c) Gap in the middle for the center channel speaker
d) On top of the above sits a 42" TV (LCD RPTV or plasma)

Its easy to find something that can do (a,b,d). The trick is to find something that will support my center channel. I can't seem to find anything that supports the center channel beneath the TV, leave alone bring it to the same height as the left and right speakers.

This must be a "solved problem" so please share your recommendations and solutions. Where should I look? what should I consider?

For context: The center channel speaker is 21"x17"x11" (HxWxD). So that center gap can be 23"x19" OR 19"x23" (as I can orient the speaker horizontally). The components are EAD PowerMaster 1000 amp, Krell HTS pre/pro, Marantz DVD player, Snell XA1900 LCR speakers all of which are equal sized (isn't the center channel usually smaller than the Left or Right?).

Thank you!
You have the same problem many of us have, our eyes and ears are pretty much at the same level. How to place the center of the picture and the center channel speaker at eye/ear level? Well, the best I could do was to raise the picture a couple of my center speaker below the screen and tilt it up towards ear level. This has placed my screen just a bit above the proper height and my center channel just a bit will have to bend on this one.

Consider NOT using a center channel. If most of the people watching are not too off-center from the screen there will probably not be a problem. Try it out: use the phantom mode or set the center speaker to off on your processor. Doing this blends all the center channel audio to the main LR speakers. You still get the stereo effect on music and sound effects AND your center channel audio will sound like it's coming from the screen because it's between the mains. I prefer this setup.
I'm using a Synergy "Twin 30" rack by Salamander Designs in the same configuration you want and it looks/functions great! The only difference is your center-channel speaker is taller than mine, so you would have to use slightly taller uprights than I do to create the space for the speaker (placed above your components and just below the TV monitor).

I would recommend the Synergy model "Twin 20" with the TV support extension kit. You can easily fit 3 components on each side in the rack on their own (adjustable) shelves with room to breathe. You might have to specify 20" upright supports with the TV kit to get the height you need for the Snell. (I think the standard height supports included with the kit are only around 9" or 10"). You would end up with a total rack height of about 40" which is not too terribly high for a plasma or other tabletop monitor and your center-channel will be at just about ear-level when you are seated.

Check out to view their Synergy line. Mine is Cherry with frosted glass doors, black posts and black perforated steel sides for ventilation. The WAF (wife acceptance factor) is very high with this unit. It is a very nice looking piece of furniture once it's all together. I added black speaker cloth to hide the speaker and it really completes the look into a nicely integrated piece of furniture!