Audio Research comparison

I'd still like to get an un-biased comparison of the old Audio Research Power Amps: VT100 MkII, VT200, REF300 and the newer solid state input versions. I have heard opinions, but they have all been self serving. So I'd like to hear from someone who has really compared the two designs. Also I'm interested in the comparison of the new pre-amp designs with the older ones LS-25 Ref2 with the MkIIs.
gmorris, was your friend using nos tubes on his ls25? anyway, of course it's all subjective and component dependent - this is what we all stew about in our sleep/lack of.
anyway we listened to the ls25mkI through a pair of arc300s. perhaps this brought out something unusual in the LS25. and changing the tubes should of course make a difference. as far as the vt100mkII vs mkIII i've heard many people say they prefer the mkII. i have the mkII but haven't yet heard the mkIII so i can't comment.
Yes, he was using the NOS 6H23 in both the LS25 MKI and VT100 MKII. Also, He had the LS25 MKII and the VT100 MKIII and liked neither. He claimed that "the magic was missing." He feels strongly that the older versions, with the NOS, were better sounding.

Incidentally, the LS25 MKI with the NOS 6H23 sounds like a different preamp. It became much more powerful, dynamic and robust,with greater slam in the midbass and lower bass. Also, there was greater transparency and richness in the midrange, with a wider and deeper soundstage. In summary, every musical parameter improved, without any downside.
I see people speaking of the LS25 MK1 and LS25 MKII. I have the Original LS25. Was there a MK1 and Then MKII. I can only Find LS25 and LS25 MKII Information I have been trying several Tubes. Mostly 6922 and ECC88. I have tested several tubes on a tube tester I have and find the philps 6922 test the closest and can get perfect matched 4 set tubes. Sound wise they seem smooth. To me they sound better that the Audio Research Factory tubes. Has anyone else tried these. Thanks Bob
This thread is one of the main examples why I've never ever purchased new Audio Research gear. Depreciation on audio gear is bad enough without a company upgrading their components as often as ARC. It seemed the VT100 Mk II was barely out 16 months before there was a Mk III release. I know ARC produces some nice gear, but I much prefer a company like BAT that doesn't rip the customer by discontinuing this years purchase in a matter of months! BAT even refers to ARC in a slight way on their website, suggesting they aren't like the company that throws constant upgrades at the consumer in an effort to generate more business. BAT doesn't word it like that specifically, but the reader gets the drift. BAT's components go through revisions and modifications too, but their company philosophy is much different than ARC. Rather than promote a MK II or III change, they simply integrate the change into product currently shipping. This philosophy is geared toward the customer, not against him/her. Not to say ARC is against their customer base, as I know they are always very helpful on the phone, but they certainly could learn a thing or two from BAT regarding protecting the consumers purchase from accelerated depreciation. Again, nothing against ARC other than they definitely have alienated at least one potential customer by featuring far too many upgrades in too short of a time span.
