can't figure what, but i know it's something.
leafs, what's yer mother tongue? ;~)
leafs, i'm doin' ok, but if ya tink i need some help, s'ok, if it makes ya feel better. i also tink folks who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones - i may play w/words, which may lead ewe to believe i need some help. while i don't see the connection, that's ok. but, ewe seem to be hell-bent on attacking me, either bluntly or subtly. dunno what that sez about whether or not ewe need help, but it *is* someting i noticed. a-gon noticed it too, that ewe went thru & pinged w/negative wotes most of my posts a while back, which caused them to have to go thru & delete all yer negative wotes against me. hey, whatever floats yer boat, leafs.
oh, i also noticed that, while ewe don't seem to enjoy wordplay, & feel it may indicate some problem or ignorance, *your* grammar & spelling sucks.
sibelius, sorry to get off-track again, but i *am* interested in whacha ya decide to do about the newforms/stratos...
doug s.