All Value System Under 5K

I just put together what I think is a very musical system for under $5K:

Newform Research R645 Speakers ($2265)
Odyssey Stratos Amp ($1100 with capacitance upgrade)
Morrison Elad PreAmp ($780)
Njoe Tjob 4000 CD Player ($690 with Njoe Shoes and upgraded Siemen tubes)

It is also interesting to note that all of my components were puchased direct over the net rather than through a dealer. (Cut out the middleman, baby!)

I think it is easy to get a great system with unlimited $'s. I think it is more difficult to maximize your sound investment. What other recommendations do we have out there for good sub $5K systems (don't need to include cables/IC's)?
I thought your post sucked.Am I not allowed to vote negative for it.What does class have to do with not liking a post.WAWAWA you cry baby.
hey ladies/gents, could we please stay on the topic? I hate to interrupt, but fellow Audiogoners' English skills have nothing to do with "All Value System Under 5K"...even I, an ESL (English-as-Second-Language) speaker, can understand that...8-)

Sibelius, I am eagerly looking forward for your report on your conversation with Klaus and John. BTW, have you ever heard of a company named Accusonics? I just read a review in TAS about their mono amps (the MB400s I believe); seems like high quality stuff without the price tag to match...
mgs - THANK YOU!!! :>) i, too, eagerly await info from sibelius. sorry about the little diwersion, but when attacked, i feel compelled to respond. i should try harder to abstain altogether from such petty nonsense - as said on another thread re: quotes - "don't wrestle w/a pig; ya yust get all dirty & the pig enjoys it." ;~)

as i get nearer to a purchase of newforms, amplification questions will loom for me, also...

regards, doug s.

Roland I know you lurk around the thereads.I belive you own Newforms.Anything you can add in regards to the speakers.