bradz, yes i'm quite fluent in anglais, but i enyoy havin' fun, too - hope it doesn't bother ya too much! ;~) also, if melos *does* scare ya - & i couldn't blame ya if it did - then, i'd suggest taking halveford-9's adwice & getting a joule - imo, the only other pre even close to the melos, at anywhere near the price, also a steal when bought used... milman's absolutely right, & i won't argue - melos went under because of poor quality-control. ah, but the *sound*! :>) i'm tryin' to figure out a way to come up w/some scratch for a pair of their mat-180 amps - even if i have to part w/my brand-gnu electrocompaniet wa60ftt's, isle get those melos amps if i can swing it... oh, and halveford9 - me-n-dave are buddies - we're yust playing, hope ya don't mind! :>)
regards all, doug s.