Best tube pre under 1500?

I think the Sound Valves VT-101i at $750.00 is one of the great bargins in all of hi-fi.It has that vintage tube midrange and great bass. IMHO the phono stage in it is worth $750.00. And it was one piece of gear that I didn't feel compelled to change tubes. I preferred the SV to a CJ PV12 and a Audible Illusions mod3A...go figure. Those who like their pre less tubey sounding probably won't like the SV. I buy tube gear that sounds like tubes.Companys like Sonic Research Frontiers, BAT, and AR sound more solid state then tube to me. SV gives you a 30 day trial, and B stock (cosmetic) is only $595.00. It worked great with both SS and tube ampsand if you have a turntable it may be the ultimate no brainer. I don't own this anymore (I'm a charter member of the component of the month club) but a while back I almost bought one, but got a swinging deal on a CJ PV5. If you buy used I don't see how you could do better then a PV5. Even CJs latest offerings are less romantic sounding then their older models. Give me the romance! Show me the love.