Audire Audio Forte???

Anyone know anything about this amp? How does it compare to other upper end mid fi amps (Anthem, Bryston, etc)? Found one used and am considering it for my brother who has a modest ht setup powered by an Onkyo digital reciever with Paradigm speakers (don't know what model no.). Want something that will give him the next step for stereo playback. I recently added a Bryston 3b to my setup for the mains and experienced a great improvement and would like to do the same for him. Any suggestions.
From my extended use(Delear let me borrow it for month while my classe was at the factory), I can say one thing abou the amp. IT GOT SLAM. I was not impressed with the finnesse (lack of clarity, imaging, presence of some grunge,etc)though.
My first "high end" separate amplifier was a Cresendo from 1982. Compared to the Conrad-Johnson MV45 tube amp I replaced it with, it's reliable as hell (I still have it and use it for part time D.J. work!)but very solid state sounding. A good rock and roll amp but not very musical. But once again, unbreakable. I've hauled it through 6-7 moves and in and out of my car and local halls at least 60-70 times. Driven it for seven hours straight at weddings and high sshool grad. parties, never a blip.
Any info on an Audire amp built before 1980?  I have one like that but it has no model number or identity.  Only physical feature that is unusual is that it has on the rear center is power output, ends of rear are input on one and an fuse and power cord on the other.  The cooling fins are angled and not an real heavy gauge metal, but the length is increased by using a zig zagflat plate probably 4 inch long by 5 inch high and two or three long per channel.