Going the solid state route I would highly recommend the Belles 150A Hotrod works very well with Vandies. You should also consider McCormack, the old DNA 0.5 is very good with Vandie, I would guess that the new 125 is good also
Pre-amp wise I would look for a ConradJohnson PV12 or one of the new PV14's. This type of combo will give you many of the benefits of tubed amplification
I a tubed amp is whata you are after, Vandersteen regularly uses Audio Research amp when he demos his speakers.
Just my 2-cents
Pre-amp wise I would look for a ConradJohnson PV12 or one of the new PV14's. This type of combo will give you many of the benefits of tubed amplification
I a tubed amp is whata you are after, Vandersteen regularly uses Audio Research amp when he demos his speakers.
Just my 2-cents