Cardas Caps Worthwhile?

Has anybody tried covering unused rca jacks on their preamp or a/v receiver with Cardas Caps? Another snake oil remedy or sonically worthwhile? Thanks, Ed
Hmmmm. I was also thinking about getting those caps, but after seeing this thread. I guess I will pass. No offense to Genesis, but you do seem to sell a lot of Cardas. No-one else here has given a glowing report.
Good to see that a lot of people realize that there is a lot of BS in this industry. Has anyone noticed these ads for Raintinge Glow Adjuster. It reminds me of the commercials on TV for this ionizing magic bracelt for $50.
Basically the same response, didn't notice any difference. Don't spend the $36.00.
i have plastic bits that came with my accuphase dc-330 ($16.5k MSRP) to cover unused single-ended and xlr inputs/outputs. they keep the dust out of the innards. just like the ridiculously-priced cardas caps do (and nothing more). -kelly