Cardas Caps Worthwhile?

Has anybody tried covering unused rca jacks on their preamp or a/v receiver with Cardas Caps? Another snake oil remedy or sonically worthwhile? Thanks, Ed
I also use them and although no real sound improvement noticed, they are useful to cover unused RCAs on preamp so when changing ICs behind equipment rack you can easily see which RCA pair to use for new ICs. Very helpful visual aid!
Hmmmm. I was also thinking about getting those caps, but after seeing this thread. I guess I will pass. No offense to Genesis, but you do seem to sell a lot of Cardas. No-one else here has given a glowing report.
Good to see that a lot of people realize that there is a lot of BS in this industry. Has anyone noticed these ads for Raintinge Glow Adjuster. It reminds me of the commercials on TV for this ionizing magic bracelt for $50.
Basically the same response, didn't notice any difference. Don't spend the $36.00.