Cardas Caps Worthwhile?

Has anybody tried covering unused rca jacks on their preamp or a/v receiver with Cardas Caps? Another snake oil remedy or sonically worthwhile? Thanks, Ed
Gunbei, I like your response. The scientific method is too much for me too. I think a lot of it is just "peace of mind". I had a $1000 Essense Power Distributer at one time. I still don't know if there was an audible difference with it. I did like knowing, however, that all that RFI wasn't getting into my system.
Postes: Let us know your preamp make and model. I heard somewhere that the caps are likely to be inaudible on balanced units but might help single-ended ones.
It would be somewhat surprising if the caps made a large sonic difference in any system. It would imply that you live in a horrendous RF polluted environment. I use the product and I cannot honestly say I heard a positive sonic difference. At the same time I can say that the Cardas caps did not screw up the sound of my system -- which is more than I can say about some other tweaks I've recently tried. At a little over $2 a cap, if the only thing they do is keep the unused connectors free of dust, I think they're a reasonable value.
The homemade version helps. It reduces noise level tremendously. Yes, I live in a horrendous RF polluted environment, NYC. Even when people walking in the room, the noise level changed, NOT ANYMORE!

It all began 3 months ago when I installed my preamplifier into my system. The annoy HUM jumped out from speakers! Moved cable TV to the other room and cheated all, except one, plugs, the noise was reduced but still noticeable. Last week, tried to cover all unused RCA connectors with surplus interconnect cables without connecting to anything. I AM PACIFIED AT LAST.

I am open to any suggestion(s). But if you have the same problem as I did, try inexpensive surplus interconnect cables that come with TV set or DVD player for temporary solution first before spending money on Cardas RCA cap.