Mid-Fi Amp/Preamp for Martin Logans

I currently own a Yamaha RXV-995 Natural Sound A/V Receiver and am considering selling it and purchasing separates. I really could use suggestions on a mid-fi amp & preamp (either new or used) combination for Martin Logan Aerius i speakers or Martin Logan Ascents. Primary uses: 50% home theatre, 50% 2-channel audio. Primary music played: Brit Pop; Jazz; Blues; Classic Rock; female vocals. I may have to settle for the Aerius i because of budgetary issues. I originally had planned to upgrade to PSB Stratus Goldi but recently auditioned the MLs and was blown away with the sound of the electrostats.

Your help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I had ML Aerius, and would advise using at least a tubed amp, fussy as they can be. Not sure what your definition of "mid-fi" is... the ML's are not mid-fi. Try a VTL Stereo 80 or similar amp which provides at least 40 watts/channel.
For pre, you can go solid state; I used an audio research LS-3 with great results. Also used a tube preamp, a Counterpoint 3000--very dimensional with the Aerius...
Enjoy. -Ed
If your definition of "mid-fi" means cost below,say, $2000 for H/T separates, consider Sherwood Newcastle 9080 series (although the new 9090AVP pre will be out this fall).I'm using the 9080 with Magnepans all around with good results and I'm familiar with Martin Logan equipment.