Well my result was inconclusive. Due to time contraints I wasnt able to audition each with the same amp. The Bryston was on a 4B SST running B&W n803's. We then moved the n803's over to the Anthem AVM20. Although the cd player was identical, the Anthem MCA 20 amplifier is not in the same class as the Bryston 4B SST. The Byston was clearly more resolved sounding through the upper mids and highs.
Im going back to audition each using identical amps on Friday. I will post my findings then.
Well my result was inconclusive. Due to time contraints I wasnt able to audition each with the same amp. The Bryston was on a 4B SST running B&W n803's. We then moved the n803's over to the Anthem AVM20. Although the cd player was identical, the Anthem MCA 20 amplifier is not in the same class as the Bryston 4B SST. The Byston was clearly more resolved sounding through the upper mids and highs.
Im going back to audition each using identical amps on Friday. I will post my findings then.