Home Theatre Processor reccomendation

Looking at a host of used versus new equipment and have the following decision to make. If new, looking at the Sunfire Grand Theatre 3 and the B&K Reference 50. Used components include the Cal Audio CL 2500, the Classe SSP 75 and the Krell Showcase. Assume any of these will be a tremendous upgrade to the current surround sound setup which utilizes the Adcom GSA 700 looped through a classe CP 60 pre-amp.

Any and all feedback/thoughts is much appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96

Well my result was inconclusive. Due to time contraints I wasnt able to audition each with the same amp. The Bryston was on a 4B SST running B&W n803's. We then moved the n803's over to the Anthem AVM20. Although the cd player was identical, the Anthem MCA 20 amplifier is not in the same class as the Bryston 4B SST. The Byston was clearly more resolved sounding through the upper mids and highs.

Im going back to audition each using identical amps on Friday. I will post my findings then.

Well... I wasnt able to A/B both units on the Bryston amp. However, I will say that using the Anthem AVM 20 with the Bryston amp produced clean and resolved upper mids - highs. Much like my experience with the Bryston SP 1.7 using the same amp. It seems the differences I heard during my first audition were the differences between the two amps.

Picasso: I cannot define for you the "musicality" of each unit. I was listening for specific results within specific songs which, in my current setup, annoyed me. Both are more detailed yet refined (smooth) through the upper mids and highs when compared to my Yamaha RX-V1 as a preamp. Although the speakers I auditioned with are identical to the speakers I have at home, I cannot comment on the base. In my experience this is one area that a B&W N803 changes most during the break-in process. The speakers at the dealer were nearly new and (from my experience) not broken enough (30 - 50 hours moderate usage) to get a definitive understanding lower frequency differences between each processor.

In the end I am choosing the Anthem because of its feature list over the Bryston. It has 10 balanced outs and crossover frequency adjustements (5hz increments) from 25hz up (Bryston is 60hz). Balanced 2ch analog inputs.

It also has on-board high bandwidth video switching which the bryston lacks, although video switching wasnt very important to me.

You should seriously consider the Meridian processors.The new 861 V3 is superb but very expensive, but you can find used 561 or 565? for a resonable price.Terrific sounding units.
Personally, I don't think either of the units you are considering for 'new' are even in the same leage as the Classe.

You might also want to consider a used Theta Casanova. Great sound and wonderful bass management - probably one of the most flexible out there. Also makes a great 2 channel preamp for music.
Bpape--Don't disagree, I am really leaning towards finding a used Classe and in fact am discussing one as we speak. I had the B&K in for an in home demo and while the HT piece was fine the 2-channel pre-amp fell FAR FAR short of the Classe CP-60 pre amp. Appreciate you taking the time to comment. If I can't work something out with the Classe. I'll check out the Theta.

Thanks again.