best ss preamp w/ remote used under 1000

using B&w asw 1000 for sub 804n for fronts adcom gcd-700 for cd aragon 8008bb for amp basicaly trying to update have thought about gtp 750 but the reviews havent been what i thought they would be mainly for music
I'll second the recommendation for the Bryston BP-25. If you shop, you can find one with the built like a tank remote in your price range. Very neutral with excellent soundstaging and a nice sense air, especially for SS. Also comes with an awesome warranty, backed by very good customer service.
I suggest the Placette preamp Volume control ($1k) if you are running a single source. (
To Jbgrooven: Did you mean -If you don't need *much* gain? I'm obviouslly not familar with the Placette.