Howdy gang - long time lurker, first time poster. Before this bug bit(and he takes BIG bites) I would have laughed if somebody told me they gave 4 beans for a power cord. Well, just plugged in my first Black Mamba yesterday, and in my book, that puppy really flows the juice! Added clarity is amazing - a simple bell "ring" made me a believer. System presence also is definitely improved - and, hey, even if it's all just an illusion - it's only money, right? (And if all else failed, I coulda' gotten by with only the physical "WOW" factor).
Provided the above offering suffices, may I now ask for help? I want to run a dedicated circuit to the system - are there any particular brands of wire/breakers any better than the standard fare, and should the ground be separate from the house. All thoughts appreciated! Best regards...Tburn
P.S. Sorry Felthove, just read your latest and I failed to produce. But in all honesty, every additional purchase (so far) has made a positive contribution. Course, I ain't no audiophile w/ the golden ears, and I'm sure the guys w/ the big rigs will no doubt reach the point of diminishing returns. But I'm having a helluva good time trying to get there! Rock on (the wife doesn't get my new love of Krall, Sara K, et al :-) but Bob Seger is only a button away)