Can I integrate 5Ch Surround with my Stereo setup?

Hi Folks:
I currently have what I think is a high-end stereo set up, with CRT (Electrohome 8500HT) and HTPC on the way. My question is, can I somehow integrate a full five or seven channnel surround set up with my existing stereo, leaving my stereo signal path unaffected when I'm just listening to two channel music? My existing stereo system is Supratek Syrah preamp, Blue Circle BC2 monoblocks, Audio Physic Virgo speakers, Teres 245/OL Silver/Shelter 501MK2 vinyl rig.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to introduce a three channel power amp to the system somehow (like a Bryston 3bst), using that for rear and center, and still use my BC2s to drive the front channels, also introducing a preamp/processor to drive the sound for movies, but not have to plug anything out when I switch from movies to listening to stereo (still want to rely on my supratek syrah as preamp for music but can use something else for movies). Am I asking too much? How do you guys integrate stereo with movies, without having to rely on HT preamp/process for music? Thanks for any and all input!!!
Thanks for the clarification Dave. All sounds great - it's a relief to hear I can explore the HT/Surround path, and still leave my stereo signal path unaffected. Cheers,
It sounds that preamp in loop is the only solution?

I have the same question. I am using a tube preamp and a receiver. I even don't care wither stereo amp is powering front speakers for movies. But if whenever I watch the movie, I will have to turn on tube preamp, I will have to prepare a bunch of tubes......

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Hi Folks:
One follow on question I have is that my current power amps (which would drive the front speakers) have a relatively low output/gain compared to many other amps on the market. This works great in conjunction with my high gain preamp (best combination), but if I add another set of poweramps/multichannel amp (which almost certainly have higher output), then will I be able to control the volume on each channel independently? Is such independent control available on all preamp/processors, or just some. This is probably a dumb question to many of you, but I need to be sure I can get the right results, and would need to be sure of independent volume control before pursuing multichannel audio. Thanks in advance!!
Your pre/pro will have level control for all channels for DD/DTS movies. For SACD and DVD-audio surround music..level control for all channels is built into the player. You are good to go!!
