Simaudio Titan 5-channel or 3 Silver NAD S200 amp

Hi there! I am curious about what everyone will think of this? I am putting together a system and considering either buying 3 NAD S 200 SILVER SERIES STEREO AMPLIFIERS FOR HOME THEATER (to make up a 5 channel) or get a SIMAUDIO TITAN 5-channel AMPLIFIER. The cost is about the same for either option so cost is not an issue. I am thinking of matching my Martin Logans ASCENT, Theater i, and Scenario with either of the amplifiers. I also have Musical Fidelity sources. I have Rotel RSP 1066 processor and Nordost Blue Heaven (speaker cables)and Nordost Red Dawns interconnects. Your input in this matter would be much appreciated. Thanks to all!!!

I have gone through numerous amp myself. I had Pass X3, ATI2007, Krell KAV500, Outlaw 750, and NAD 270 (3 of them). So far I enjoyed them all and each have their sonic weaknesses and strength but I really have not found the one for me. I'd love to hear about what other equipment you've tried. Also, I would like to know if you would keep the Moon Titan after the initial honeymoon is over. Of course this will take time I understand but I really would like to hear back about your opinion with the Simaudio lineup after few weeks and burned in time. Lasly, I would like to know how much you paid for it (if you dont mind that is)

I started with a B&K Reference 5-ch amp, then moved into a Plinius 8200 2-ch + AVA 240/3 3-ch, then went to a combo of the AVA 240/3 and AVA Fet-Valve 350EX 2-ch hybrid tube, and then went with a Butler 5150 5-ch hybrid tube.

A good deal came around on the Titan, and though I can't go into specifics, it made getting out of the Butler and into the Simaudio piece very attractive. I've had a Simaudio P-3 pre-amp before, so I know I've moved into a very high quality level in workmanship and parts. The only question that remains is how the amp will mate with my Krell HTS 7.1 pre-pro, Denon 5900 DVD player and Dynaudio Contour S series speakers.
John that is the same set up,I'm trying to get,I already own a titan amp and I was looking to get a krell hts 7.1 .so I guess,I'm gona have to wait a little while for now,by the way do you know who might have a good deal on the hts 7.1?what should I pay for one of those?
I am now sold with the Simaudio Titan. Do you think matchin it with Lexicon MC8 would be idea guys?