Help me put a system together for my son

One day out of no where my (future) daughter in law say's my son is collecting albums. I had no idea he had any interest in audio, let alone vinyl (must have been paying attention to my hobby after all!) . They are in the process of buying a condo where his system will be used. He mentioned that bass was not important to him and that he was more interested in good midrange system. So far I picked up a (new) Rega RP1 TT that came complete with tone-arm & Ortofon cartridge. I am in the process of acquiring a used pair of Magnapan MMG. Keeping a low budget cost in mind, what amp/ pre amp or integrated would you think would work with what I have so far. And, he will need a phono pre as well. He has no interest in any other source at this time, just a vinyl set up.
YBA Passion integrated or YBA integre. Very hard to find used, because there is very little reason to ever sell one. I owned both and moved to tubes to have it all. YBA makes the sweetest ss I have ever heard. Hi current. Your Maggies will love the Passion.
I agree with Warrenh on the YBA. That should be a very good match for the MMG. Like he says, though, you probably won't find one unless you get lucky.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I have a neighbor just bring over his Forte model 3 amp for me to try out with
the Maggies. I didn't know he was interested in selling it. Anyway, will try to
hook it up later and give it a listen. Any feedback from anyone about this amp?
It's rated at 200 wpc @ 8 ohms and 400 wpc into 4 ohms. Also, should I decide
to buy it from him, what is a fair price to pay? I know he has had it for about 17
years. Would it require re capping at this point?
That amp should be more than enough for the speakers you are going to use. Fotre was designed by Pass as a more affordable alternative to some of his higher priced equipment. I have no idea as to what its worth or if it needs to be recapped. I would just listen to it first and see if you like it. I'm sure someone here will know what its worth if you decide to buy it.