Pathos Classic one, anybody Heard it??

Ok, I know it's pretty, but what does it SOUND like??

I am considering trading my Audio Refinement Complete integrated amp for the hybrid Pathos. I miss tubes!!!

Anybody have experience? It would be driving B&W N805s.

Thanks guys!!!!
I have (heard the classic 1, that is). With A-Physic Tempos (a) / horn-loaded something or other (b)/A-Physic Step (c) -- not yr B&Ws. It's a tad more "tubey" sounding than the Twin T, does not have the twin's driving power so, sensitive speakers &/or reasonable listening levels are indicated. It has speed & precision; tonally, the mid/upper mids were pleasantly accentuated, the frequency extremes somewhat lacking in the absolute sense (i.e., compared to much more expensive gear). The best results (to my ears) were with the Step. Subjectively, the sound was musical with dynamics and a good sense of rythm -- more so than I expected from this set-up.

Let me add that I heard this amp at a dealer's, the source was cdp, and we listened to opera, chamber music, some Clapton and J-L Hooker. So, my experience is limited.

Looks very cute, too.

i will second this question. how does the classic one perform? i as well may just buy them for their beauty. but would hope they can drive the martin logan asscent. someone answer this question so i can sleep and stop wondering. its all good. tweekerman