Pre-amp dilemma.... again

Need help to clear my head as to which pre-amp I should go with for a Jeff Rowland model 10...
At the moment, I am driving it directly through a Wadia 850 but feel that it is not as "warm" and "musical" as I would want.
A balanced CAT Ultimate
A Synergy IIi
While I know that the Synergy IIi seems like a no brainer because of the synergy of the pre and power amp (no pun intended), I just feel that I want to see if there are better options available that may not be so "safe" but could perhaps yield better sonic returns.
Any thoughts ? ? ?
You might consider the Kora pre-amp. A sonic bargin at $2,100 new. It is remote control, all tubes & sounds great! Give Joe a call at JC Audio for input. He is a real tweaker! I am sure he can help you.

Good Listening
After much hunting I am extremely pleased with my purchase of a Rogue 99 (uses 4 x 6SN7 tubes). Mine includes remote control but I have a separate phono pre-amp. Count me in the crowd of very happy pre amp owners. Very quiet, beautiful, variable gain, mute and mono switches. By the way, it drives a Plinius SA100 Mk III (100 watt solid state) amp, and very beautifully I might add. Price new is around $2,000, and used (a very rare event) around $1,200. I think those that buy them realize what a great sound/great price they represent, and do not part with them easily. Give it a listen, and enjoy!
IMO, You should try a BAT VK5i or VK30/50SE...I had a 850 and kind of thought the same. The BAT preamp helped a bunch. I was using a BAT amp at the time, I do think there is something to be said for synergy....