Amp for Dynaudio: Pass Aleph 3 is OK?

My system is Dynaudio Audience 60, Adcom GFP 750 , and NAD 214 power amp. Source is Cal Alpha and Delta combo.

NAD 214 has a power to drive Dynaudio(86dB, 4ohms), but it does not have dynamics and details.
I would like to replace my power to either Pass Labs Aleph 3 or old Krell (KSA 50).

I don't play music loud and listening room is also small, so I don't need a huge amps, but I want all the details and dynamics even at lower volume, and Aleph 3 has good reputation for its clarity. I am not sure if it can drive my Audience enough.

My budget is around $1500, but I can spend more if a couple of hundred dollars improve sound dramatically.

Maybe, I could go with an integrated amps. I tried Bryston B-60, and it was quite impressive for vocal and jazz, but the base was laid back...

Any advice is welcome!

My budget is around $1500, but I can spend more if a couple of hundred dollars improves sound dramatically.

Maybe, I could go with an integrated amps. I tried Bryston B-60, and it was quite impressive for vocal and jazz, but the base was laid back...

Any advice is welcome!
Thats a tough one.How "small" is your room?
My room is 15x24x8 I get more than enough volume with my Aleph-3 and Paradigm Studio 80's @ 92 dB 8ohm.I sometimes listen "loudly" and I never have to use all the volume avaliable.The Aleph-3 is more powerful than most people think.Its sounds great at lower volume and gives up no detail.For $!000-$1200 used there may not be a better bargain!
Thank you!
My room is about 15x20. I just got an reaply from Dynaudio, and they said Aleph 3 could drive my speaker without any problem, but he added, "you can never have too much power".

How much power does the Aleph 3 have? I would concur with Dynaudio's statement that you can never have too much power - the Dyn's love it! If you're willing to live with a class A amp (from a heat-generation perspective), the KSA-50S is probably an excellent choice, even at 50wpc. Another possibility would be a Krell KAV-250a - they're being discontinued and are therefore available used for $1600, give or take. Krell amplification with Dynaudio speakers is typically a great match (I have that amp and the Contour 3.0's). The 250 has (as you might guess) 250w/ch and doubles with each halving of impedence (so 500w/ch into 4 ohm speakers). While you can never have too much, you'll have plenty. I've never listened to the 60's, but when I upgraded from 100w/ch Krell to the 250, it was a very significant upgrade - everything was much cleaner and clearer even at very modest volumes. I don't know what the NAD delivers, but I'm not surprised the speakers sound a little lacking in the dynamics. You'll love the improvement whichever route you go. -Kirk