Chord Hugo ?

Has anyone (or could anyone) try the Chord Hugo as a DAC in their system. It's getting tremendous attention in the headphone community as a revolutionary DAC that competes way beyond its 2400-dollar price that is up there with the best DACs at any price. I have never heard it so I don't know if this is true, but buzz about it is striking.
I see little about it here, so I thought I would ask. Thanks.
After some experimentation, the Hugo varies in fullness with different USB cables. It sounds very full and sweet and not lean at all with my AQ Carbon. Also, it needs to break in for about 12 hours. It doesn't have a trace of leanness.
(My Oppo 105D can tend to this and therefore I need a Shunyata Anaconda VX power cord and Cardas Golden Cross interconnects on it, then it's pretty much fine. The Hugo resolves things much better than the Oppo.)


Yes, the ultra megas sometimes evaluate without listening. they look at the design concepts and parts used and get a fair idea of what it will sound like.

There is more to this than meets the eye.

PM me your tel number and we can discuss oflline.
wis97non at yahoo dot co dot uk
I have a HUGO and have 240 hours on it , the sound keeps improving and I intend to comment on it after 400 hours , be that, the HUGO is not thin sounding and give the battery 5-6 cycles of full charging and you will improve on the dynamic also , for its size , it is amazing , sounding so good that unless you are comparing with the best , you will not regret owning one ! I am saying this on the fact that I am using it as a dac with both USB & SPDIF inputs .

One little amazing dac even not considering its asking price !
Wisnon, thanks for the offer to discuss offline the merits of publishing listening impressions for a piece of gear without ever listening but I simply would rather not, I'm not sure I have the patience to discuss why some people have "special powers" while others do not. You and I can agree to disagree as gentlemen though: i take a firm position that in order to form an opinion, right or wrong, on the sound of a piece of gear that it seems preferable to actually hear one, thats all.

To Ssos101: congrats in advance on getting a Lampi7 but your impressions, while valid if you do in fact get one, probably belongs in its own thread rather than a Hugo thread.

Warm regards to both of you.