Chord Hugo ?

Has anyone (or could anyone) try the Chord Hugo as a DAC in their system. It's getting tremendous attention in the headphone community as a revolutionary DAC that competes way beyond its 2400-dollar price that is up there with the best DACs at any price. I have never heard it so I don't know if this is true, but buzz about it is striking.
I see little about it here, so I thought I would ask. Thanks.
I have a HUGO and have 240 hours on it , the sound keeps improving and I intend to comment on it after 400 hours , be that, the HUGO is not thin sounding and give the battery 5-6 cycles of full charging and you will improve on the dynamic also , for its size , it is amazing , sounding so good that unless you are comparing with the best , you will not regret owning one ! I am saying this on the fact that I am using it as a dac with both USB & SPDIF inputs .

One little amazing dac even not considering its asking price !
Wisnon, thanks for the offer to discuss offline the merits of publishing listening impressions for a piece of gear without ever listening but I simply would rather not, I'm not sure I have the patience to discuss why some people have "special powers" while others do not. You and I can agree to disagree as gentlemen though: i take a firm position that in order to form an opinion, right or wrong, on the sound of a piece of gear that it seems preferable to actually hear one, thats all.

To Ssos101: congrats in advance on getting a Lampi7 but your impressions, while valid if you do in fact get one, probably belongs in its own thread rather than a Hugo thread.

Warm regards to both of you.
Suit yourself.
That was not what I wanted to discuss.

BTW, I didnt intoduce Lampi in this thread. I read the HF thread and did not see anyone saying its better than the Lampi L7 and asked about that. So few people have it, I would be surprised by that comment.
Wisnon, agreed on both fronts.....whomever made the comment(if it was in fact made) that the Hugo was better than the Lampizator 7 was probably just another troll, desperately needing to communicate and appear like they were some sort of expert.

Ssos101 brought it up again and while I would really enjoy reading about someones listening experience with any cool new product, it just deserves its own thread. Best wishes, GH