this should open the floodgates: BEST home theater

I'm an architect that has been contracted to design a world-class home theater (for a cost-no-object client).. the room is roughly 20'x32'.
As an audio enthusiast, I have some ideas about speakers and amplification...
But this note is for the videophiles out there.
I was just at CES and thought Faroudja was the hands-down winner on projection..(perhaps I'm wrong),
but I need some thoughts on processors and video front end...
Any ideas would be very welcome... thanks.
Thought I needed to add to my dissertation...
Even though you only requested some input on some video gear and such, the whole thing just sounded a bit off when you came off the way you did. Seriously. I hope you consult some professional assitance and advice on this one. Getting the gear right isn't even 1/3 of the battle!(in case you think otherwise, simply read Stereophile guide to Home Theater's 3 year running article entittled "Home theater ARchitect, from 98-2001! In which, World Renound Custom theater designer Russ Herschelmann discusses the massive changes he needed to make to a clients $300K ht system, that was done by supposed professionals!
Getting the right gear isn't going to even remotely get world class in and of itself...
Nevertheless, in response to your inquiry about Video processors/front end, etc, there really needs to be more info regarding the entire scenario/room layout/design/customers needs and desires, budget, etc! many seats, how close they are sitting to where the screen is, source material(just incase), sound system installation application(i.e, speaker set up in front for one), just to name some!
Fill in some more details and I wouldn't mind giving some options to you.
I would agree and had the thought come before reading Exertfluffer's post. If cost is no object use a respected HT design only person to assist you. You have a great opportunity to work with a professional in the HT field and learn directly from them while a client foots the bill. Color me green with envy!
My, my !!
Well, I have to say, in my "defense", my posting was a bit of a red herring...
Of course I'm in consultation with both an acoustic engineer and an HT designer...
Architecture can be a rewarding life, but success in this field is frequently oversimplified by other professionals. Good buildings are not solely the result of the "look" of the work. Much of an architect's job is to marry a set of disparate items into a cohesive whole. I have quite a bit of experience running up against new things that I don't quite understand. I love that part of my work. But for that reason, I also realize I can't succeed without knowledge of my limitations..
What I INTENDED to get from my post (apparently wrongly worded (my apologies)) was a thoughtful discussion on the merits (and experience) of my fellow audiogon "posters".
As an architect, it's my job to listen to the "chaos" and order it in a way that is, hopefully, inspiring.. THAT process is not limited to simply aesthetics.. it's the "whole package".. 'thing is: I only have the time to listen to a handful of professionals...and their advice is (I have to say) occasionally biased in their favor.. occasionally... so I went looking to a group that I knew would not feel the need to self-serve.

Note to "Exertfluffer": I actually appreciate your candor and passion for the field... but, worry not. This is part of MY "process"... I had hoped to hear "stories" of past experience with particular systems... and more importantly, begin to hear patterns in the reviews.. why people prefer "this" speaker over "that", etc.. 'compare that to what I was being advised by the HT and acoustic engineer..

Lastly, I'll apologize for my rather blunt posting.. I was in a bit of a hurry and didn't think.. My writing didn't show the seriousness with which I view my work --on this, or any, project...

Cheers !