Help with Scaler / Line doubler for HT setup

I was told by a friend that for the best picture I should add a scaler / line doubler to my system. I would appreciate any information and suggestions for a good bang for the buck unit. thats not too expensive under $1500.00 I will be using a 42-50 LCD rear projection TV
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This other web page is a bit cumbersome---compared to Audiogon---but it does serve it's purpose.

Good Luck!
The Iscan HD is just being released and its a killer . List Price $1499.00 made by DVDO . Much info on the AVS Forum.
I am only so knowledgable on the subject but would agree with the post regarding avsforum. It is very attuned to this sort of thing. One option is a home theater pc which would do what a dvd and scaler do, but it has its downsides (technical expertise is needed). I went with the centerstage focus 1 and am very happy, it was on the advice of the videophiles in my audio group. It lists for more than you like but I do know a chap where you can get it well within the range you wish to spend. If you want the name drop me a note
