Best Pre/Pro for 2 channel

I am considering going with separates to handle HT and Stereo listening. I currently use a Creek 5350se for my stereo listening, which is my priority. I only need 5.1 for HT purposes. I want something that will make getting rid of my Creek worthwhile. I listen to pretty much everything but put a premium on the musicality of accoustic jazz and classical. I am also looking to upgrade other components so I can't tell you what else it will be used with. I've read reviews on Classe, Parasound, Lexicon, Krell. Any help out their?

A great pre-amp with a pass through function can be found in Adcom's top of the line pre-amp. Dont let the name fool you this pre-amp has been rated up with some of the great levinson pre-amps. It was designed by Nelson Pass and has a great passive function.
The PS Audio PCA-2 has the theater pass through.
I was also looking for a pre-pro, but decided on this piece, because 2 CH is more important to me. For movies, I use a receiver as a pre-pro and run it through the PCA. For music, CD, SACD, and DVD concerts in PCM, I run straight into the PCA. Hope this helps, Sonny
You can do a search here on the 'Gon for "HT bypass or Theater bypass," and probably come up with quite a bit of reading on 2 channel preamps with bypass. To name few off the top of my head...Audio research, Adcom, and Parasound. isnt a must to have theater bypass. You can use any input on your preamp. The bypass is just convenient. Using a "non-bypassed" preamp will mean you have to adjust both volume controls.

You can even keep your Creek. For example, without touching the wiring on your current setup, using a HT Receiver with preouts---connect the front L/R preouts from the Receiver to an input of your Creek---connect the center and surrounds normally to the Receivers internal amplifier---connect your DVD to receiver.

During HT playback your Creek will only perform the duties of front left and right amplifier. The Receiver does all the rest. Decoding and passing the HT signal and amplifying the center and surrounds. You simply adjust the volume on the Creek to obtain "unity gain." Usually this means turing it up to approximately "half way." Once the Creek's volume is in "unity" you use the volume on the receiver.
What if my DVD player is my source for 2 channel as well? It looks as if I would have to go with separate sources in that type of setup. Or am I off base.