I Just Don't Get Video

At this years CES, I was able to catch the Faroudja demo, which some of you may have also seen.

I rarely watch television and dont get too excited about video, but I must say it looked AMAZING -- a scene from a recent (?) movie showing a high school drum corp competition or something.

Because I am clueless about video, I felt a bit like the audio neophyte that may like what he hears but just has no idea what he is listening to or where or how to attribute the quality or critique various aspects of the sound.

From what little I now understand, that demo used Faroudja's new DLP front projector ($12,500?) and a combination DVD player and video processor that I think is about another $10,000. Didnt ask about the screen but I imagine it costs more than a bedsheet as well.

Unfortunately, 12,500 is a bit more than I want to spend on the projector and my wife is lobbying for a 50" flat plasma screen at the foot of the bed.

Therefore, could someone please explain video processors and how they would impact my watching Time Warner Cable in HD in New York City?

Would a processor dramatically enhance the occasional DVD on my Sony 9000 ES?

Would it make sense to invest in a processor even if I went with a more ordinary and less expensive -- albeit HD - display device?

Or -- extra credit !! -- is there a bargain out there for last years model where I can get 90% of Faroudja's demo for < 50% of the price?

You don't have to get a Faroudja. Check http://www.projectorcentral.com/rpt_top_10_free.cfm
Get a sub $2k digital projector with high light output (lots of lumens). Infocus X1 has 1100 ANSI lumens (IIRC) and the BenQ 6100 has 1500 ANSI lumens (IIRC). That should work well if you don't have total light control in your bedroom or living room. The entry level digital projectors have really come a long way in the last 2 years or so.

You could likely get a NEW sub $2k digital projector and sub $100 DIY screen which could subjectively get you 80% or that demo at 1/10th the cost. YMMV. The DIY screens are supposed be only be slightly worse than commercial screens costing $800-2000. YMMV. no it won't be 'true' HD c.1920x1080 but it *could* still be pretty jaw dropping for you.

Hang around in the sub $3500 projector forum on AVS and read the back discussions. Also search the screen forums for parkland plastic, gatorboard, and Behr 'Misty Evening' paint. It's scary the level of video performance a little over $1k can get you these days!
I guess when I see somethig great; I buy it;or it's little brother. You're going to be downsizing from the projectors mentioned. The best is always the best. WHY?? because it costs more. Do some looking around. Plasmas and these new tech rptv and entery level projectors ALL have trouble doing either blacks/ greys/shadow detail (darker sceens in movies) I say pick up a lower price plasma. The tech. changes so fast you'll want something better shortly. That way you wont loose to much. And, make the misses happy(which as we all know;makes us happier)Then get your self one of those 3 chip 25k Sim projectors. Oh yaa the Firehawk screen will be about 4k. No video processor needed unless you are using down-rez stuff like lazer/vhs tapes.
If your putting this in your bedroom..forget a projector. I would go with a large plasma as your wife wants. If on the other hand, your setting this up in another room..forget the plasma and go with a projector. Even a cheap projector will blow the plasma away in overall enjoyment in a larger room size but would (could) be somewhat of a hastle to deal with in a bedroom/TV/dvd/sleeping type of setup IMO. You should find something with no problem @ or below $5,000 that has a great picture. I wish I could show you a screen-shot of even what my cheap little Infocus X1 projector looks like on my 100" screen with a progressive scan DVD player. You don't need to spend a ton of money with these new projectors and Televisions to get a great picture..they are getting THAT GOOD.

Thank for the opinions so far.

Further to projectors, I already have a trusty Sony VPL 4000 Q 16:9 HDTV LCD which everyone raved about when it came out and at least used to be a bit of a cult item.

However, it is not terribly bright and the fan is a bit noisy even in a bigger room.

Will even the new cheapo projectors handily outperform the old benchmark Sony or should I just buy the plasma for the bedroom and use the projector in the living room while my wife watches the food channel or something?!

In any event, it sounds like Faroudja video processors arent exactly a high value item and wont be required for HDTV and DVD?