DLP vs Plasma/LCD

I was just about ready to plunk down $4k for a Panasonic 42" plasma. I was at my brother's tonight watching the Olympics on his 42" Pioneer plasma (HD transmission,) when he tells me that I should go with a DLP for my bedroom, rather than the plasma. He claims the picture is much better and they cost less. I wasn't even considering a DLP because I didn't think it would fit in my bedroom. (being to deep) He says they make some, now, that are only a few inches deeper/wider than a plasma. Any takers? Is the DLP the way to go? If so, can anyone recommend one with killer picture quality, and relatively thin? thanks in advance. warren
Hey Warren wait till after Cedia.Lotsa new video product will be shown..I am going Sept9th..Panasonic claims 19000hrs for their plasma to reach half brightness,the level the human eye can discern a difference. Sold lot of plasma tv's only one that needed service couldn't be serviced..it was dropped..Tom
I compared the 50" Sony and Samsung LCD TV and could have purchased either for $2800. I chose the Sony because the Standard def picture and high def picture to my eyes is better. I believe either one is a great value, though. I have never had any one come over and not remark how good the picture is on this set. I know 2 other people who have the Sony one has 50" the other a 60" no troubles and very happy. The picture on these sets is amazing.
A few things that I should point out.

1. LCD display also burns, just check avsforum. In fact, plasma has less chance of burn in after some initial "treatment".
2. Plasma tech will continue to improve, but not revolutionary. I am in semiconductor business and no one really know how much more we can push the Moores law in 5 to 10 years. It's suffice to say plasma will get better, but not enought to stop you from buying now.
3. DLP/LCD rear projection has lots of limitation, one of the biggest is side viewing angle. DLP also has rainbow effect that some easily observe that include me. Also, Samsung is not known for reliability, not when you compare to Japanese made plasma.
4. Have you compare the PQ of plasma (even a EDTV) to DLP with hi-def signal? It was so obvious which one was better my wife said no to either DLP or LCD projection.
Semi- it sounds like you know what you are talking about. There is ONE set that REALLY impressed me more than any other I have seen: Runco 42" plasma using Runco's own outboard scaler, however it retails for ~$18k CDN here in Toronto ($14k USD).