2-channel pre-amp and dedicated processor?

My small home does not allow me to keep my 2-channel analog system physically separate from "HT" digital needs. So, I want your opinion on a configuration:

use existing 2-channel system (separate pre-amp and amp)for analog sources, but connect the pre-amp's tape or aux to a surround sound processor, This will be for the left and right fronts for HT. From the processor, connect to a 3-channel amp for the left & right rears and center: for HT.

2 issues:

1. I have an excellent Class A 1980s pre-amp with a phono stage, but without unity gain or pass-through. I don't know if the tape or aux loop will work in the way I want it to

2. is there a dedicated surround processor out there? I don't need a pre-amp built in (if issue #1 becomes a non-issue)

I think my configuration idea will work, but I need your advice, and suggestions for a processor.


You should hook up the surround processor's main speaker pre-outs to an input on your 2 channel pre not the other way around. This is the best way if you need to combine 2 channel with ht.
Take a look at some other threads, as this has been discussed numerous times.
If you would like to use your 1980's pre in your system you can. You will only need to insert it between your pre-pro and your front channel amp. L+R pre-out from prepro (or receiver) will connect to aux or another input on your two channel pre-amp. For hometheater use, you would need to set the volume control on the two channel pre to the equivalent of pass through mode (unity gain), this is usually 12:00 O'clock. This is the position you will need to return the volume control to each time you watch a movie as this is the point you will have set over-all volume balance from in the pre-pro setup of all channels. Of course all two channel source will only connect to your two channel pre-amp.

In a stand-alone processor the 'fronts-out' goes to your aux input. This is actually just 'piggy-backing' the processors 'fronts-out' back to your 2ch. pre.(If this input allows for playing a cd it is just fine.)