Also -- I have been in bands -- and that experience confirms *FOR ME* -- that the listening position ON THE STAGE is absolutely inferior. So, having been in a band would certainly not convince ME to try to recreate that position in MY listening room. And, I've known a lot of performers,
but I have yet to meet one who has a surround music system. So -- though it is not an exhaustive study -- it is enough to cause me to doubt that people choose two channel because they have never had the pleasure of performing music on stage. So, I think there must be some OTHER explanation for why some people like surround and others like two channel. I'm going to guess it is just a personal preference -- like most other things. What *I* like about two channel is that I am *NOT* at the mercy of some engineer's idea of surround and, while I do have to do some reasearch, I *DON'T* have to do as much research as those seeking to find pleasing surround mixes. I run into far fewer of those types of problems with two channel. And that's how *I* solve the problem that was raised by the orginal poster. And, MY listening room, MY vote is the only one that counts. Says so....RIGHT HERE. LOL.