Newbie with $1500 and a wife pushing for Bose

Ok, i have been lurking only for a short time to fully understand how absolutly little I know about audio components.

I have attempted to research products via this site and others to attempt to find the best possible set up for my "allowance" as she says.

My current equipment - Sony 46" 16x9 rear projection, Sony DVP-NS715P DVD player, COMCASTS HDTV box.

My needs: Receiver, Amplifier (dont know if necesary), and Speakers

How I currenlty use my system: Almost 100% for movies/tv but want to move to music as well and remove the "boom box" CD player we have. (I know utterly sad)

My original thought was to go 100% Sony with but after some research and no real talk of sony I came here.

Forget all the above advice, you know she wants to Bose, so get them, only change them so they sound like crap when you get home like make them out of phase, use bad cables, then you can say to her, boy these sound like crap and then you can tell her that you will handle the new search for great sounding speakers yorself!

Happy Listening, to the Bose!
I've listened to the Bose stuff and well... If WAF is the problem then get thee small but GOOD speakers. Anthony Gallo has a complete home theatre package including sub for $999. These little wonders are the size of a softball and available in different colors to match your decor. I like 'em plenty.

As for a HT receiver I'd suggest you listen to some of the folks here on the 'Gon, I'm not fond of my NAD unit at all.
I would consider PSB speakers ( You can buy PSB Image 2B stand mounted fronts and rears for about $300 a pair ( or in cherry veneer and find a good sub. Or you can go with 4T or 5T floorstanders and add a center. Detailed clean sound and incredible value for the money..and they look good. You can also buy a Marantz SR5300 or 6300 6-channel receiver and a Marantz DVD player from refurbished for a good price with great sound... and great 2-channel sound. These can be long term satisfying purchases.
John Dean
stay away from bose. their gimmick is in the marketing, not the sound. just bring a cd to demo speakers that you are both familiar with. your ears will tell you which speakers to get. believe me, comparing bose to just about anything on the market will eliminate them quickly.